The Basics of Oil Tank Battery Installation in Carlsbad, NM
The tank battery is the combination and arrangement of all the storage and processing tanks, the flow lines and all other equipment used to operate an oil and gas well. While some tank batteries have been designed to be connected to a single well, there are others that can process and receive fluids from multiple wells at once, in which case those wells will typically be located very close together and produce similar amounts and types of fluids.
The equipment you use with your tank battery will primarily depend on what you’re producing. Therefore, you must have a clear plan with regard to the design of your tank battery and the components you use that will take its application into account. This will help you prevent any problems that could occur with your tank battery down the road.
Here’s some information about what you should know about oil tank battery installation in Carlsbad, NM.
Assembling the battery
The composition of your tank battery will evolve over the course of the well’s life. The production’s nature will change, which means you’ll need to routinely bring in different equipment to meet those changing needs. This typically means older equipment being removed to provide enough space for the newer equipment that meets your needs. For example, at first the well may have enough pressure naturally to give you a sufficient flow, but eventually you can expect that natural pressure to fall, requiring you to install a gas lift system that will require a lot of specialized equipment to accomplish it. Over time, you may choose to replace that system with a hydraulic lift, which will require completely different equipment.
By the time the well has reached the end of its life, you can expect it to have been used for at least a few different methods of production. This is why your tank batteries will also evolve over time. Every battery must be specifically tailored to the needs of your operation. Consider, for example:
- Vessels: The vessels are the tanks and other equipment that receive the produced fluid. These are used to store that fluid until it can be either treated or sold, and can also be used to separate gas and water. There are many different kinds of vessels, and you will likely need a separator to use along with those vessels.
- Flow lines: The lines that direct the flow can be steel pipe, or synthetic materials like plastic or fiberglass. It depends on the conditions in your area and the potential for corrosion.
- What you’re pumping: What type of material are you pumping? This will also influence the type of equipment you use in assembling your battery and your tank in general.
These are just a few of the factors you’ll need to keep in mind as you go through the process of oil tank battery installation in Carlsbad, NM. For more information, we encourage you to contact the team at JB Electric LLC today. We’d be happy to schedule a consultation to tell you more about what we can do for you!
Categorised in: Oil Tank Battery Installation