It can be dangerous when working with electrical elements, which is why personal protective equipment (PPE) for electricians is important. No one should go into the job without the right equipment or education on avoiding death or injury. Read this brief safety guide to complete your work assignments without incident. Here are six tips regarding safety equipment electricians use in Carlsbad, NM when taking precautions on the job: Bring needed PPE: Basic PPE for electricians includes safety glasses, face shields, hard hats, insulating gloves, insulating salves, flame-retardant clothing and protective footwear. Depending on your environment, you may also require fall... View Article
New Mexico was built on ranching and mining, but today it has a number of major industries, including oil and gas. The largest industry in New Mexico, oil and gas contributes $3.1 billion each year to the state’s budget—just under 40 percent of the state’s entire yearly revenue. Here’s an overview of what this branch of the energy industry contributes to the state and country. New Mexico’s oil and gas industry, by the numbers Contributing 39 percent of New Mexico’s yearly budget, the oil and gas industry is a powerful force. The federal government alone spends over $1.1 billion in... View Article
We all know gas and oil are fossil fuels, and once they’re gone, they’re gone—so it’s important to find more sources, at least until practical renewable alternatives are the norm. There might be as many as trillions of drillable cubic feet of shale gas in the U.K. alone. Fracking, also known as hydraulic fracturing in Carlsbad, NM, is a process that helps recover gas and oil from shale that would normally be too difficult to drill for. How does hydraulic fracturing work? Fracking is performed by drilling a well thousands of feet into the earth’s crust, well below the groundwater... View Article
Do you know what the most common materials used for insulation on electrical conductors in Carlsbad, NM are? If getting a shock isn’t high on your list of things to do, it’s helpful to know what electrical conductivity is, why we insulate conductors and what works best for the job. Read on for a basic overview of common insulation materials and why they’re important. What are insulation materials and why do we need them? Insulation materials are simply materials that don’t carry an electrical current well. For example, metal and water are extremely good conductors, which is why you should... View Article
Electricity is a utility that most of us take for granted. It would be hard to live without it, but do you know how it actually works? Depending on the type and size of building you’re in, the way the electricity is transferred from the power company to the outlets in your office is different. Here is a basic overview of power distribution systems in Carlsbad, NM. Power distribution to large facilities Utility companies transfer electricity at different rates, depending on how large the building or facility is. For example, a residence will receive its power at a lower voltage,... View Article